Category Archives: Curtain Call Blog

Don’t Spike the Fog Fluid

Rosco Delta 3000
Rosco Delta 3000

It may sound odd, but many a rental fogger has come back blowing green smoke, or smoke that smells like burned beer.  Obviously, a very good party…but not a good idea.  Professional Foggers work by heating a USDA approved glycol-based fluid that becomes a mist and is blown out the front.  Adding ingredients to that fluid, and then heating the mix, could make something toxic.  At the very least you will ruin a perfectly good fogger!

Parlights carries a complete line of professional fog machines from Rosco, Ultratec, and  more.  We also fix broken machines from a variety of manufacturers.

Contact Parlights


What’s the Difference Between a Lamp and a Light Bulb?

Lamp Collage About 30 bucks 😉

Seriously – Stage and Studio Lamps put out a lot more light, and are designed to run hotter than regular light bulbs. There is a special chemical reaction (called the Halogen Process) that puts the tungsten that makes up the filament (the part that glows) back on the lamp filament as it cools.

Find out more about the Halogen Process here!

Parlights carries an extensive inventory of stage and studio lamps (many under $30!)

Contact Parlights