Category Archives: LED Demonstrations

LED Ellipsoidal Spotlight (Leko) Demonstrations


The next generation of LED Spotlights has arrived!

From the Vari*Lite inspired technology of the Strand PL Series to the affordable punch  of the award winning Altman Phoenix LED, and the 7-Color technology of the ETC Source4 LED Parlights offers a range of versitile LED solutions for every theatre and budget.   These high output, high efficiency fixtures will help you “go green” (even from your catwalks!) without asking for a compromise in performance.

Parlights also carries a range of white light and color mixing LED houselights, cyc lights, and wash fixtures to fill out the next generation theatre.

How will LED Lighting work in my facility?

The best way to find out is to see for yourself.   Parlights is currently scheduling LED Ellipsoidal Spotlight (Leko) Demonstrations on-site with our customers – let us bring the latest in theatrical lighting technology to you.

Schedule a demonstration of
LED Lighting Technology with Parlights today!

Contact Parlights





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